
Jijiwisha Wishes A Very happy New Year 2021

Jijiwisha Society Wishes A Happy new Year 2021

एक वर्ष सीखने सिखाने का,
एक वर्ष अपनो को अपना बनाने का, एक वर्ष स्वास्थ्य को महत्वपूर्ण मानने का,
एक वर्ष पुरातन प्रथाओं और जीवन पध्दति पर वापस लौट जाने का, आयुर्वेद और योग प्राणायाम को जीवन मे पुनः अपनाने का,
एक छोटा सा वायरस क्या तबाही ला सकता है ये देख समंझ पाने का, उससे बचने बचाने के रास्ते निकाल पाने का ,
ऐसा था 2020 अब बीते हुए समय से सीख लेकर आने वाले दिनों को सुखद बनाने का समय आया है,
अपने और और अपनों की व्याख्या को पुनः समझने का समय आया है, प्रकृति को और भी प्रेम करने का, उससे जुड़ने का समय आया है,

August Highlights 2020

August 2020 highlights

Hello maam/sir,

Greetings from Jijiwisha!!!!!

We are writing this to express our deepest gratitude for your valuable donations to our Organization “Jijiwisha Society”. Your significant contribution will help to bridge the gap between the fortunate and less fortunate in life. Your contribution will go a long way to inspire other people to donate and this noble cause will help the less fortunate in getting proper medical care, improving living conditions and even assisting in the proper education of those who can hardly manage to get it.

Planting a Banyan Tree

This banyan is planted and maintained by jijiwisha Society in Lucknow

Botanical name of Banyan is Ficus benghalensis. It is national tree of India. Banyan belongs to Fig family.
The seeds of Banyan are broadly dispersed by fruit eating birds.
Lifespan of a Banyan tree can be thousands of years. It's native of India and adjacent countries.
Some researchers found there are only 150 banyan trees left in India.
Jijiwisha Society in guidance of Give Me Trees Trust is planting Banyan saplings in India.
Banyan creates large canopy which brings shade and home to thousands of birds, insects, microorganisms and animals.